Today, I tuned into a podcast episode from Boostrapped Founder, featuring Arvid discussing the power of AI in fostering adversarial thinking for entrepreneurs. He highlighted using AI, like ChatGPT, to critically assess our ideas and messages. This means having ChatGPT spot potential misunderstandings in our emails, critique our writing, or evaluate our tweets for possible criticisms. This method not only uncovers flaws in our logic but also helps us fix these issues, with AI offering suggestions for improvements. These strategies are part of what’s called prompt engineering, and mastering several can be quite beneficial.

Another prompt engineering technique I find really helpful is this: I ask ChatGPT a question and at the end I ask it to come up with ten clarifying yes/no questions and only after I answered those questions, provide me an answer. This ensures the AI completely understands my question, resulting in responses that are more precise and tailored to my needs. Using this method has consistently improved the feedback I receive. This shows the power of AI in refining our thought processes and decision-making!